
Application 1: Emptiness check of ω-automata in Spot

This directory contains artifacts for the benchmark of application 1 (emptiness check of ω-automata in Spot) in our ATVA’19 submission titled Generic Emptiness Check for Fun and Profit.

This benchmark was run with the development version of Spot that will eventually become Spot 2.8. A tarball of this version is given below. Measurements made in generic-is-empty.ipynb and saved in bench.csv were done on an Intel Core i7-6820HQ CPU (2.70GHz) running Linux. Most of the automata generated in the datasets where generated by the aforementioned development version of Spot; automata from b4.hoa.gz also used ltl2dstar 0.5.4.

The following files are supplied:

The easiest way to play with those files is via mybinder Binder. Clicking the previous link will setup a Jupyter instance in the cloud, including a copy of Spot, as well as the necessary Python and R dependencies for the above notebooks.

If you would like to run these notebooks locally on your own installation, please first install the following: